Our Programs

Unbroken Dreams, Inc. passionately pursues its mission through a diverse array of programs meticulously crafted to uplift homeless and justice-impacted individuals on their path to self-sufficiency.

At the heart of our endeavors lies an unwavering belief: with the right support, individuals facing incarceration, homelessness, or life’s adversities can surmount challenges and achieve remarkable success. Unbroken Dreams remains steadfastly committed to nurturing this potential, empowering individuals toward independence and a brighter future filled with hope.

Cold Weather Shelters

In the chill of winter, we offer more than just warmth, food, and clothing to those experiencing homelessness. Our shelters become hubs of connection and understanding, fostering companionship and empathy.

Life Skills Dream Program

Originally spanning six months, this transformative initiative has now been condensed into a potent 10-week curriculum. Integrated into the Florida Department of Corrections system, it aids soon-to-be-released individuals in seamlessly reintegrating into society. Upon return to Hillsborough County, participants seamlessly transition into phase 2 of our program, equipping them with the vital skills needed for self-sufficiency.

Street Outreach

Our street outreach efforts provide immediate relief to those in need, offering essential items like clothing, blankets, and crucial resources. Beyond mere provision, we strive to forge genuine connections with individuals, delving beyond their “homeless face” to understand and honor their stories. This personal touch instills a sense of value and belonging, ensuring they feel truly seen and heard.